CPAN Pull Request Challenge: March assignments

Generated 2018-12-13 14:37:15 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for March 2018. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

14 / 14 complete = 100.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
ZipRecruiter HTML-FormFu CFRANKS FormFu/HTML-FormFu
soren Inline INGY ingydotnet/inline-pm /pull/66
cv-library Devel-StackTrace DROLSKY houseabsolute/Devel-StackTrace
shlomif Git-Repository-Plugin-AUTOLOAD BOOK book/Git-Repository-Plugin-AUTOLOAD /pull/1
paultcochrane Dezi-App KARMAN karpet/dezi-app /pull/23
NachosDevs DBIx-DataModel DAMI damil/DBIx-DataModel
zakame Parse-CPAN-Packages MITHALDU wchristian/parse-cpan-packages /pull/3
jjatria Config-IniFiles SHLOMIF shlomif/perl-Config-IniFiles /pull/2
manwar Geo-ShapeFile SLAFFAN shawnlaffan/Geo-ShapeFile /pull/21
jj JavaScript-Beautifier FAYLAND fayland/perl-javascript-beautifier/tree/master /pull/11
yanick DateTime-Format-Human-Duration MSTRAT mstratman/DateTime-Format-Human-Duration /pull/10
lharey Test-MockModule GFRANKS geofffranks/test-mockmodule /pull/22
happy-barney Spreadsheet-Read HMBRAND Tux/Spreadsheet-Read /pull/23
choroba Exception-Base DEXTER dex4er/perl-Exception-Base /pull/4