CPAN Pull Request Challenge: July assignments

Generated 2018-12-13 14:38:07 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for July 2018. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

14 / 14 complete = 100.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
HaraldJoerg Test-Class-Moose DROLSKY houseabsolute/test-class-moose /pull/93
jjatria MaxMind-DB-Writer MAXMIND maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Writer-perl /pull/97
soren RT-Client-REST DJZORT djzort/RT-Client-REST
jj Business-PayPal SZABGAB szabgab/Business-PayPal /pull/3
zakame POE-Component-IRC-PluginBundle-Toys ZOFFIX zoffixznet/poe-component-irc-pluginbundle-toys /pull/2
openstrike Swim-Plugin-badge INGY ingydotnet/swim-plugin-badge-pm /pull/2
s-nez OAuth-Cmdline MSCHILLI mschilli/oauth-cmdline /pull/5
shlomif Nexmo-SMS RENEEB reneeb/perl-Nexmo-SMS /pull/3
manwar WebService-Idonethis PJF pjf/idonethis-perl /pull/17
paultcochrane XML-Parser-Lite PHRED redhotpenguin/perl-XML-Parser-Lite /pull/20
yanick Image-SVG-Path BKB benkasminbullock/Image-SVG-Path /pull/24
ZipRecruiter WebService-Client IRONCAMEL ironcamel/WebService-Client
cv-library CPAN ANDK andk/cpanpm
choroba MojoX-JSON-RPC KARASIK dk/MojoX-JSON-RPC /pull/2