CPAN Pull Request Challenge: January assignments

Generated 2018-12-13 14:36:26 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for January 2018. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

26 / 26 complete = 100.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
shlomif Barcode-Code93 MSTRAT mstratman/Barcode-Code93 /pull/3
yanick Class-Base YANICK yanick/Class-Base /pull/5
choroba ElasticSearchX-Model OALDERS metacpan/p5-elasticsearch-model /pull/3
manwar Physics-Unit JBERGER Klortho/Physics-Unit /pull/33
s-nez WWW-Contact FAYLAND fayland/perl-www-contact/tree/master /pull/12
cv-library Test-Perl-Critic PETDANCE Perl-Critic/Test-Perl-Critic
jj MooX-StrictConstructor HARTZELL hartzell/moox-strictconstructor /pull/18
kyzn Net-DHCP DJZORT djzort/Net-DHCP /pull/8
paultcochrane Valence FRACTAL hoytech/Valence-p5 /pull/7
jjatria Data-Random BAREFOOT barefootcoder/Data-Random /pull/13
Adestra utf8-all HAYOBAAN doherty/utf8-all
ZipRecruiter URI-Encode MITHUN mithun/perl-uri-encode
happy-barney HTML-Restrict OALDERS oalders/html-restrict /pull/28
lharey JIRA-REST GNUSTAVO gnustavo/jira-rest /pull/19
kiwiroy Math-MatrixReal LETO leto/math--matrixreal/tree/master /pull/20
simbabque SQLite-Work RUBYKAT rubykat/SQLite-Work /pull/2
preaction Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangelogFromGit RCAPUTO rcaputo/dzp-changelogfromgit /pull/14
wilyarti Term-Screen JSTOWE jonathanstowe/Term-Screen /pull/4
wheinze Config-Tiny RSAVAGE ronsavage/Config-Tiny /pull/1
NachosDevs Devel-LeakGuard-Object PTC AndyA/Devel--LeakGuard--Object
rramesh83 Text-Hyphen KAPPA kappa/Text-Hyphen /pull/4
jacoby Log-Log4perl-Tiny POLETTIX polettix/Log-Log4perl-Tiny /pull/11
zakame Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase RKITOVER rkitover/lingua-en-inflect-phrase /pull/2
scottchiefbaker Scope-Guard CHOCOLATE chocolateboy/Scope-Guard /pull/2
HaraldJoerg XML-Reader KEICHNER klaus03/XML-Reader /pull/2
MorayJ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Legal AYOUNG harleypig/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Legal /pull/5