CPAN Pull Request Challenge: February assignments

Generated 2018-01-10 11:18:35 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for February 2017. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

21 / 21 complete = 100.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
jj Swim INGY ingydotnet/swim-pm /pull/42
pauloscustodio Devel-ebug AWWAIID awwaiid/devel-ebug /pull/13
monsieurp Linux-Unshare HACKMAN hackman/Linux-Unshare /pull/3
genio Convert-Binary-C MHX mhx/Convert-Binary-C /pull/4
perlancar true CHOCOLATE chocolateboy/true /pull/5
choroba App-GitHooks AUBERTG guillaumeaubert/App-GitHooks /pull/44
cv-library Git-Hooks GNUSTAVO gnustavo/Git-Hooks
jjatria Regexp-Common-time MANWAR manwar/Regexp-Common-time /pull/3
xsawyerx Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC IRONCAMEL ironcamel/Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC /pull/20
simbabque AWS-S3 LEEJO leejo/AWS-S3 /pull/8
kharec Bash-Completion MELO melo/bash-completion /pull/5
paultcochrane Unicode-CaseFold ARODLAND arodland/Unicode-CaseFold /pull/6
yanick Benchmark-Perl-Formance SCHWIGON renormalist/Benchmark-Perl-Formance /pull/4
lharey Template-Caribou YANICK yanick/Template-Caribou /pull/10
vti Locale-Wolowitz IDOPEREL ido50/Locale-Wolowitz /pull/11
lancew POE-Component-Sequence EWATERS ewaters/poe-component-sequence /pull/2
openstrike SQL-Abstract-FromQuery DAMI damil/SQL-Abstract-FromQuery /pull/2
kyzn Log-Dispatch DROLSKY houseabsolute/Log-Dispatch /pull/42
s-nez AnyEvent-Subprocess JROCKWAY jrockway/anyevent-subprocess /pull/10
shlomif File-ShareDir REHSACK perl5-utils/File-ShareDir /pull/8
manwar Test-Base INGY ingydotnet/test-base-pm /pull/20