CPAN Pull Request Challenge: April assignments

Generated 2018-01-10 11:19:01 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for April 2017. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

19 / 20 complete = 95.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
yati-sagade App-Sqitch DWHEELER theory/sqitch /pull/329
jluis Env-C MSCHOUT mschout/env-c /pull/7
genio MooseX-FileAttribute ETHER moose/MooseX-FileAttribute
simbabque Convert-Binary-C MHX mhx/Convert-Binary-C /pull/5
yanick true CHOCOLATE chocolateboy/true /pull/7
abzaloid App-GitGot GENEHACK genehack/app-gitgot /pull/65
lancew HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC NIGELM fireartist/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC /pull/10
jjatria Stepford MAXMIND maxmind/Stepford /pull/37
manwar Log-Defer-Viz FRACTAL hoytech/Log-Defer-Viz /pull/10
openstrike Devel-ebug AWWAIID awwaiid/devel-ebug /pull/17
shlomif Method-Signatures-Simple RHESA rhesa/method-signatures-simple /pull/3
xsawyerx App-Cmd RJBS rjbs/App-Cmd /pull/64
choroba Params-Validate DROLSKY houseabsolute/Params-Validate /pull/14
jj Alien-Base PLICEASE Perl5-Alien/Alien-Base /pull/187
cv-library libwww-perl OALDERS libwww-perl/libwww-perl
lharey Log-Log4perl MSCHILLI mschilli/log4perl /pull/81
ZipRecruiter WWW-Mechanize OALDERS libwww-perl/WWW-Mechanize
perlancar HTTP-Server-Simple BPS bestpractical/http-server-simple /pull/11
paultcochrane Test-Script PLICEASE plicease/Test-Script /pull/22
mjg17 Test-CheckManifest RENEEB reneeb/Test-CheckManifest /pull/6