CPAN Pull Request Challenge: September assignments

Generated 2017-01-09 21:15:21 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for September 2015. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

13 / 13 complete = 100.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
openstrike App-DPath SCHWIGON renormalist/app-dpath /pull/8
yanick WWW-Mechanize-Cached OALDERS oalders/www-mechanize-cached /pull/13
lancew CatalystX-ExtJS-Direct PERLER monken/p5-catalystx-extjs-direct /pull/2
jmaslak POE-Component-Client-Ping RCAPUTO rcaputo/poe-component-client-ping /pull/4
pauloscustodio Data-Rmap BOWMANBS bowman/Data-Rmap /pull/5
manwar WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCa-Retrieve ZOFFIX zoffixznet/www-pastebin-pastebinca-retrieve /pull/2
lharey HTML-Selector-XPath CORION Corion/HTML-Selector-XPath /pull/6
shlomif MooseX-Role-Loggable XSAWYERX xsawyerx/moosex-role-loggable /pull/3
genio Math-FFT SHLOMIF shlomif/perl-Math-FFT /pull/3
Viviparous Beam-Emitter PREACTION preaction/Beam-Emitter
choroba String-Interpolate NEILB neilbowers/String-Interpolate /pull/2
paultcochrane PDF-API2 SSIMMS ssimms/pdfapi2 /pull/16
jluis Text-vCard LLAP ranguard/text-vcard /pull/44