CPAN Pull Request Challenge: December assignments

Generated 2017-01-14 09:18:50 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for December 2016. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

12 / 17 complete = 70.6%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
yanick Test2-Suite EXODIST Test-More/Test2-Suite /pull/108
nbezzala POE-Component-Client-HTTP RCAPUTO rcaputo/poe-component-client-http
lancew Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ MARKELLIS net-amqp-rabbitmq/net-amqp-rabbitmq /pull/145
jmaslak File-ChangeNotify DROLSKY autarch/File-ChangeNotify
shlomif Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-DBIC SYSPETE ctrlo/Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-DBIC /pull/15
choroba OrePAN2 OALDERS tokuhirom/OrePAN2 /pull/48
dionys Locale-Codes SBECK SBECK-github/Locale-Codes
Varadinsky Devel-Examine-Subs STEVEB stevieb9/devel-examine-subs
lharey GraphViz RSAVAGE ronsavage/GraphViz /pull/4
paultcochrane Math-Int128 SALVA salva/p5-Math-Int128 /pull/18
ambs WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-API ZOFFIX zoffixznet/www-pastebin-pastebincom-api /pull/3
kyzn Monitoring-Livestatus NIERLEIN sni/Monitoring-Livestatus /pull/4
openstrike Image-Xpm SREZIC eserte/image-xpm /pull/3
pauloscustodio Mojolicious-Plugin-CaptchaRenderer DMITRYNOD konstantinov/Mojolicious-Plugin-CaptchaRenderer /pull/1
genio Foorum FAYLAND fayland/foorum/tree/master /pull/1
manwar Getopt-Long-Descriptive RJBS rjbs/Getopt-Long-Descriptive /pull/22
itcharlie File-ShareDir REHSACK perl5-utils/File-ShareDir