CPAN Pull Request Challenge: August assignments

Generated 2017-01-09 21:15:09 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for August 2015. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

15 / 17 complete = 88.2%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
ambs Module-Install ETHER Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Module-Install /pull/55
yanick Zonemaster ZNMSTR dotse/zonemaster-engine /pull/225
Varadinsky WWW-Mechanize OALDERS libwww-perl/WWW-Mechanize /pull/47
genio Device-Modem COSIMO cosimo/perl5-device-modem /pull/3
openstrike Exobrain PJF pjf/exobrain /pull/65
paultcochrane Mo TINITA ingydotnet/mo-pm /pull/35
jmaslak CPAN-DistnameInfo RJBS gbarr/CPAN-DistnameInfo /pull/4
lharey Gravatar-URL MSCHWERN schwern/gravatar-url/tree/master /pull/9
lancew Math-Cephes SHLOMIF shlomif/Math-Cephes /pull/2
marderh POE-Loop-EV DBOOK Grinnz/POE-Loop-EV
shlomif Search-OpenSearch-Server KARMAN karpet/search-opensearch-server /pull/2
manwar Date-Holidays-CA_ES MRUIZ miquelruiz/Date-Holidays-CA_ES /pull/1
starbelly DateTime-Format-CLDR MAROS maros/DateTime-Format-CLDR
zhouzhen1 Digest-Whirlpool AVAR avar/digest-whirlpool /pull/2
jluis List-Objects-WithUtils AVENJ avenj/list-objects-withutils /pull/5
pauloscustodio Proc-Daemon AKREAL akreal/Proc-Daemon /pull/7
choroba Image-Size RJRAY rjray/image-size /pull/14