CPAN Pull Request Challenge: November 2015 assignments

Generated 2016-01-05 22:28:00 UTC

This is the list of CPAN distributions that have been assigned for November 2015. You can sort on any of the columns — just click on the header, then click again to sort the other way. If you see your name here and don't want to be listed, just email me.

32 / 33 complete = 97.0%

Done?Pull crew memberCPAN DistLast released byGithub repoPull requests
yanick Module-Info NEILB neilb/Module-Info /pull/2
kappa Pegex INGY ingydotnet/pegex-pm /pull/48
manwar minismokebox BINGOS bingos/minismokebox /pull/1
Varadinsky Win32-Clipboard JDB jandubois/win32-clipboard /pull/4
choroba Catmandu-PICA JOROL gbv/Catmandu-PICA /pull/36
leejo MouseX-Types GFUJI yappo/p5-mousex-types /pull/4
paultcochrane Plack-App-FakeApache1 CHISEL chiselwright/plack-app-fakeapache1 /pull/16
kaoru POE-Loop-Glib APOCAL apocalypse/perl-poe-loop-glib /pull/1
pauloscustodio mixin MSCHWERN evalEmpire/mixin /pull/2
kyzn HTML-StickyQuery-DoCoMoGUID YAPPO yappo/p5-HTML-StickyQuery-DoCoMoGUID /pull/1
joenio XML-API MLAWREN mlawren/xml-api /pull/3
bk Plack-Middleware-SizeLimit AUDREYT audreyt/plack-middleware-sizelimit /pull/6
lharey Mojolicious-Plugin-SslAuth TEMPIRE tempire/mojolicious-plugin-sslauth /pull/3
garu Ubic-Service-Plack MMCLERIC tadam/Ubic-Service-Plack /pull/8
andyjack Log-Message-Structured DAMS bobtfish/log-message-structured /pull/3
jluis File-Scan-ClamAV ESAYM smith153/File-Scan-ClamAV /pull/3
devogon MooseX-Types-Data-Serializer BLUEFEET bluefeet/MooseX-Types-Data-Serializer
openstrike File-Comments MSCHILLI mschilli/file-comments-perl /pull/2
Viviparous Tk-FontDialog SREZIC eserte/tk-fontdialog /pull/1
mishin Kelp MINIMAL naturalist/kelp /pull/48
cakirke Message-Passing-AMQP ABRAXXA suretec/Message-Passing-AMQP /pull/4
neilb MooseX-Getopt-Explicit RHOELZ hoelzro/moosex-getopt-explicit /pull/2
doyleyoung App-autotest GGOLDBACH glauschwuffel/perl5-App-autotest /pull/18
netangel MouseX-AttributeHelpers MASAKI masaki/mousex-attributehelpers /pull/2
elmerq Physics-Unit KLORTHO Klortho/Physics-Unit /pull/31
zhouzhen1 XML-Feed DAVECROSS davorg/xml-feed /pull/18
vytas-dauksa HTML-Template PSIXDISTS mpeters/html-template /pull/10
thrig XML-SAX-Writer PERIGRIN perigrin/xml-sax-writer /pull/9
jamessan HTTP-Cookies GAAS gisle/http-cookies /pull/11
shlomif Rubyish GUGOD gugod/rubyish-perl /pull/1
Sweet-kid Parse-CSV KWILLIAMS kenahoo/Perl-Parse-CSV
monsieurp Test-Synopsis ZOFFIX miyagawa/test-synopsis /pull/16
ambs HTTP-Server-Simple PSIXDISTS bestpractical/http-server-simple /pull/9